Combined surge protection device (SPD) arranged as a varistor with spark gap connected in series, and classified as a SPD type 2 for use in applications with 48, 60, 120, 230 and 230/400 VAC service voltages. They feature zero leakage current which extends their service life in the installations. They are suitable for use in applications where zero leakage current is required, such as in cathodic protection stations. In addition, these SPDs are able to withstand fluctuating voltages which arise e.g. in diesel generators. Furthermore, their characteristics are capable of withstanding temporary overvoltages. The SLP-xxx-VB series can also be used to protect power supply units of some IT power supply networks where it is necessary to eliminate the first fault on the SPD when it fails.
These SPDs can also be used to protect signal lines that enter buildings from the outside, i.e. from the LPZ 0 lightning protection zone.
The new SLP-xxx-VB series will be on sale from 1 May 2023.